$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)
There are 100 million people are homeless worldwide according to the United Nations global survey (with 500 thousand of these living in the USA).
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End Loneliness

$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)
The recent data reports that in the most advanced country in the world, the United States, almost three-quarters of Americans experience loneliness. Chronic Loneliness is already know for being a modern-day epidemic. Social interaction and happiness have been proven to be related with life extension, and loneliness is a serious risk factor for human health and human longevity.


Universal Basic Income

$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)
Universal basic income might be the proper solution for technological unemployment. And might be a tool for helping people around the globe finding purposefulness in their lives, releasing people from the requirement of getting a job they don’t like for survival, and for paying the monthly bills. Universal basic income has also been recently proven to improve the worldwide economy.
corruption,business concept,corruption concept
Close-Up Of Currencies


New Money System

$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)
This prize aims to stimulate the shift for a decentralised money system. There are several current approach to crypto-coins. This prize aims to stimulate this global challenge to the point where the first country which totally adopts the use of a system which is not controlled by central governments.



$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)
O Lorem Ipsum é um texto modelo da indústria tipográfica e de impressão. O Lorem Ipsum tem vindo a ser o texto padrão usado por estas indústrias desde o ano de 1500, quando uma misturou os caracteres de um texto para criar um espécime de livro. Este texto não só sobreviveu 5 séculos, mas também o salto para a tipografia electrónica, mantendo-se essencialmente inalterada. Foi popularizada nos anos 60 com a disponibilização das folhas de Letraset, que continham passagens com Lorem Ipsum, e mais recentemente com os programas de publicação como o Aldus PageMaker que incluem versões do Lorem Ipsum.
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Ocean Condominium

$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)
The OCEAN CONDOMINIUM WORLDPRIZE is a global competition designed to inspire entrepreneurs, engineers, and scientists worldwide to develop a condominium in open international waters.


Ocean City

$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)
The $1Million Ocean City WORLDPRIZE is a global competition designed to inspire entrepreneurs, engineers, and scientists worldwide to develop a city in open international waters.
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Ocean Country

$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)
The $1Million Ocean City WORLDPRIZE is a global competition designed to inspire entrepreneurs, engineers, and scientists worldwide to develop a country in open waters.


Special Democracy

$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)
The SPECIAL DEMOCRACY PRIZE is a global competition designed to inspire entrepreneurs, engineers, and scientists worldwide to develop a NEW BETTER DEMOCRACY SYSTEM with less than 1% corruption and with high ethic and quality of life for everyone.
Group of demonstrators on road, young people from different culture and race fight for climate change - Global warming and enviroment concept - Main focus on afro girl face