Ocean City
$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)
Over 60% of our planet surface is covered by seas and o cenas and is pratically useless apart from fishing activities and underground oil, gas and minor mineral excavation activities. Since the past cies in the oceano r floating communities have been considered. Only in recente Years, due to the challenge of rising sea levels due to climate change and poles melting, the concept has resurfaced as a possible answer to the new global challenge to humanity. Oil drilling platforms are Early examples of habittas in the sea not floating but with many features that can associate them to embryonic ocean communities.
Other concepts relates to ships of such size and functions that can act as floating and traveling cities but up to now They are only projects.
Projects like Ujburg were developed in the netherland , practically building artificial island. To expand Amsterdam city área.
Other projects are of a total diferente nature and are related to floating cities in international water , whos e legal status and sovereignity is to be determined. While many technical hurdles have still to be overcome toc reate such a city , many others as political, socual and economical must be faced as well.