Meeting / Conference Platform


Meeting / Conference Platform

$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)

A virtual event is an online event that involves people interacting in a virtual environment on the web, rather than meeting in a physical location. Virtual events are typically multi-session online events that often feature webinars and webcasts. They are highly interactive, often aiming to create as similar an experience as possible to their physical counterparts.

Popular uses of virtual events include virtual tradeshows,  virtual conferences such as virtual translation conferences, virtual sales-meetings, virtual college open days, virtual company-wide gatherings. Virtual events are used by companies to deliver presentations, training, job fairs, expos, internal meetings and sessions. They are led by a range of key stakeholders, including company executives, marketing managers, product management, human resources and more.

Such virtual events, meetings or conferences have one component in common: the utilization of platforms to allow the communication of video and sound as well as files.

We need to improve such platforms to simplify their utilization, the possibility to use multiple devices, to incorporate translation capability instantly and in most languages, interaction including file transmission and recording systems.

Meeting _ Conference Platform

The solution can include:

This competition calls for improved platforms through advanced technology and expansion of capabilities with a view to future BCI devices that will not require conventional ones.


The proposal must be in writing maximum 40 pages including images, charts and diagrams.