$1 MILLION (Prize amount to be confirmed. Announcement expected for next year)

Cancer, a disease due to abnormal cell growth, is the second largest killer disease threatening humanity after heart disease.

There are over one hundred types of câncer threatening us.

Our society has been fighting against câncer for centuries but despite huge efforts and some successes we still don`t have the optimal treatment to eliminate câncer as a death cause.

While science is continuosly searching causes , and treatments for the diferente types of câncer our society still don`t have clear and definite medicines, technologies and instruments to defeat such disease in general while achieving partial results for specific types.

This competition wants to motivate researchers and organizations around the world to propose an integrated clinical solution which will, as a minimum, improve patients average lifespan in three times the average survival rate without the treatment.


The solution can include:

-Prevention methods such as nutritional strategies, relaxation systems, lifestyle changes.
-Treatment techniques such as chemotherapy, surgery, immunotherapy, metabolomics approach and other means that could double patients average life expectancy compared to existing survival rate by NCCN.
-Advanced instruments and equipment for prevention , monitoring, detection and treatment.
-Strategies including a step by step long range approach and a schedule with milestones to eliminate specific câncers, also considering future but achievable, technologies.
-Indicate which new or proposed technologies must be leveraged and developed to reach our goals.


There is full freedom to propose any type of alternative and solution to reach our ultimate goal: to defeat câncer.

Proposals shall consist of a written part, maximum 40 pages , and images , diagrams or charts needed to visualize the concepts proposed (max. 8 images) utilizing pdf . Five finalst teams will be selected for further advances.