Engineer, technopreneur, economist, academic, and futurist.

Boris Carikeo Aguilera is an electronic engineer, technopreneur, economist, academic, and futurist, who has worked on different areas including tecnology policy, sustainable development, Latin America, sistems of innovation & entrepreneurship, public policy, health technologies, higher education, information technologies and Future Studies.

Carikeo was born in Tomé, Chile, from Mapuche estirpe, people from South America whose nation “The Wallmapu” existed in part of what is today Argentina and Chile.

Carikeo obtained his Engineer degree and Master of Science (MII) degrees in Industrial Engineering at the University of Concepcion (UDEC), Concepción, Chile. Obtained a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) at Bio Bio University. He subsequently studied his Master in Applied Economics at Georgetown University in Washington, USA, and at the International University of Andalucia, Spain, a specialization in Political science in iberoamerica. He started his doctoral degree in Policy and Management of Higher Educación at Untref Public University, Buernos Aires Argentina.

After graduating, Carikeo was responsible for the delivery of technologies in entreprenuer program in Morocco (North of África), Instructional designer at World Bank project working for in five countries ( Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela) from Andes región, and Tutor of courses and e-government projects through OAS – Sedi. ( across all Latin America and caribien ). As a consultant for higher educational institutions, he worked in knowledge management, future studies, Elearning, quality management, institutional design in Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador and El Salvador. He currently works for several universities as an academic and consultant.

Carikeo entered into the area of health in 2000, through information technologies, and in particular in hardware technology and in 2010 with information analysis using data mining and artificial intelligence to discover patterns of medical diagnosis, deductive models and drug preferences in Public health systems in Chile in the context of the academic activities.

At the same time, he entered into the topics of “longevity”, “genomics” and “anti-aging” strategies, from the point of view of future studies and the impact of technological change, at the level of health care institutions , vocational training, social security systems, employment, health policies and innovation models and economic evaluation of the pharmaceutical industry, developing critical analysis and presentations:

Boris Carikeo is also the founder and CEO of BioDisrupt™ Technologies ( 2017) — Experimental tools of biology and genomics, we use new knowledge and technology as soon as possible. This was the reason to found BioDisrupt Technologies (BioD Technologies). This new startup focuses on ensuring that technologies are fast, replicable, accessible and for multiple applications. BioD Technologies aims to show that new scientific ideas can be transformed into practical applications. This means developing new products and services, and putting them quickly in the markup.

Boris Carikeo was the founder and now the CEO of Technologies for global univesities T4GU™ —T4GU are a group of consultants who wish to accompany universities on the path of transformation into a global educational services organization. Our challenge is to increase the competitiveness of the organization and its academic and training programs in both the domestic and transnational market.

Boris Carikeo is also an advisor & parner at Visionaria Consulting group – Entreprise dedicated to develop, validation, sales and implementation of tools, metodological and projects for enterprices and govern, in the areas of IT, software, Robotics with tools for educational, market research, technology life stiles with transdiciplinary focus.

Carikeo has been writing a column and papers for seminars:

– Design and evaluation of service bases in the area of Information systems applied to Public institutions, Study of design ,and technical feasibility – administrative.

– Implemented Monitored and Evaluated the Social Capital at urban program “Transition towards Sustainable Cities” with Social Network software”

– Design of a multicriteria desicional model, assignment of resources, for projects within a Regional System of Technological Innovation (SRI), in the context of decentralization of the Technological Development fund.

– Formulation and evaluation of a decision management project in the Regional Government Council through Geographic information systems and optimization protocols.

– Conditions for the types of use of broadband in Chile, implications for the analysis and design of public policies at the level of access subsidies. UCM Madrid Spain, Congress of the department of sociology and public administration.

Carikeo writes an article part of the book “Education and Economic Development” 2017. MCI Buenos Aires, Juan Maria Segura. “The imperative of relations University – Government – Company for innovation and economic development in Latin America” Boris Carikeo.