to make the world a better place.
We believe in the power of competition and we believe in humanity. We firmly believe that the large majority of people are good in nature and wish a better future for themselves, their families, and everyone else. Society sometimes curves peoples behaviours, who in face of group behaviours tend to follow the norm. We firmly believe that if you incentivise people to do good, great things happen. That’s why we brought to you World Prizes.
We also believe that humanity needs a company that helps identify the major problems and its priority, clearly identifying and focusing humanities resources on the right direction. We aim to focus humanity on solving the world’s most pressing issues. We believe that money, the right combination of people and expertise, and the right timing, permits finding solutions for the worlds most difficult problems. We also believe that challenges must be achievable and measurable within reasonable time-frames. This is one of our priorities, to follow technology and to identify and select challenges which are solvable in a reasonable time-frame. We believe that one should “measure what you can be measured, and make measurable everything else”
We also firmly believe that solutions for the world’s most difficult problems can come from anywhere in the world and from anyone in the world. We believe that each person has tremendous potential to solve problems, but we also believe that everyone needs the right environment to nurture its creativity and devotion. This is also what WorldPrizes provides, together with it’s parter companies, organisations and governments, to everyone around the globe. The greatest minds of our time are everywhere and are ready to be engaged in audacious challenges. At worldprizes we are constantly seeking for solutions, and we work to create the right ecosystem capable of solving the world’s most difficult problems.
At Worldprizes we believe that everything is possible if you have the right mindset, the right ecosystem, the rights connections, the rights timing, and a tremendous persistence and dedication…

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We provide the proper leadership and expertise to shape the discussion and turn ideas into audacious action on a worldwide scale. We accept teams from anywhere in the world to compete for our World Prizes competitions. Everyone has the same chances to success, regardless of living in mumbai, or Silicon Valley, California. World Prizes provides the same support, networking, engagement, access to capital, connections, and motivation to every single team of participants. It is our goal to hear and evaluate everyone, equally and fairly.
One of our tasks is to identify the grand challenges of our time (both for specific countries or problems at a global scale). We look for opportunities where solutions are believed to be out of reach. Another of our tasks is also to design, and operate, incentivised prize competitions to solve these problems. For optimising the success of this crucial process we are lucky enough to have with us the brightest and most persistent minds of the planet.
We are essentially a digital platform bringing together passionate partners to accelerate a positive future based upon our vision.
We gather sponsors, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, industry, government, academia and innovators who help us identify the most important and urgent problems, helping us prioritise our prizes and the future of humanity.
Another of our focus is with the innovators and their future radical breakthroughs that will benefit humanity. We provide support, as far as it is possible, to all teams competing on our competitions. You are building the future, creating a better future for everyone in the blue planet.
We aim to make the right questions, provide the best possible support platform, provide global visibility to the teams and prizes, bring credibility and opportunity for entrepreneurs to take risks that ultimately lead to radical breakthroughs.
A worldprize captures the world’s imagination and inspires everyone to reach for similar goals, spurring innovation and accelerating the rate of positive change.
A worldprize must necessarily meet rigorous criteria. A worldprize tackles an audacious goal, and pushes the boundaries of human potential by focusing on problems currently unsolved. There is a large variety of reason why some problems are currently unsolved.
A worldprize is by nature solution-agnostic… We define the challenge and incentivise teams around the world to find solutions. Our prizes are bold and audacious, but necessarily achievable, which ensures teams that they can win the worldprize.
A worldprize can be won by anyone (from a team of industry experts to a team of well-funded high school students). We work to make our prizes achievable in reasonable time-frames. A worldprize is typically designed for a time frame of 2-7 (two to seven) years, allowing teams to have enough time to succeed, while ensuring momentum and ensuring that the industry will not outpace the competition. Our prizes have clear, objective and simple rules. We provide easy-to-understand rules and goals that are measurable and understandable by everyone. Our prizes are easy to convey: The winning of the competition itself is interesting and compelling, and has innate narratives that are easily conveyed to our audiences.
Our prizes are leverageable: A worldprize provides leverage for a sponsor’s investment by driving an additional investment in support of a solution. Our prizes optimize the investment of capital on finding a solution for the problem, in particular for the reason that we shift the risk from sponsors to competitors.
Our prizes attract investments of capital and time from motivated participants, and they can attract further investment. Our prizes drive investment, enabling teams to attract capital, support and team members.
A worldprize is expected to give birth to new industries or transform/revitalize existing ones. Our prizes provide vision and hope. Worldprizes inspires hope through our vision of a better future, where winning teams are the proof that the world’s seemingly impossible problems can and will be solved.

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Step 1
Outubro 1, 2019
Prize Launch & Registration Opens & Public Comments open for Competition Guidelines
Step 2
Novembro 1, 2019
Public Comments open for Competition Guidelines & Revised Competition Guidelines based on public comments released
Step 3
Março 1, 2020
Registration Deadline & Team Conference
Step 4
Julho 1, 2020
Deadline for teams to submit design documentation & Public Comments open for Competition Guidelines
Step 5
Novembro 1, 2020
Round 1 Testing & Team Summit
Step 6
Janeiro 1, 2021
Milestone Awards, Announcement of top 5 teams for round 2 & Team Summit
Step 7
Junho 1, 2021
Round 2 Testing Begins & Round 2 Testing Ends
Step 8
Julho 16, 2021
Business Plan Submission Starts & Business Plan Submission Ends & Award and Announcement of Grand Prize Winner
JANUARY 21, 2024
Watch now

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